The Key to Revival Revival is deep, satisfies your soul and fills your very being with joy and hope. It is the answer to your heart that is crying out for more, more of God in my life. The lily above is about to open up and look glorious. It…
The Chase
Not far from I-80 in northwestern Nevada, I watched mustangs and learned more about how God’s Kingdom operates. Horses in the wild live with other horses. Mostly we’ll see small family bands which consist of a stallion and one or more mares with foals. There are also bachelor bands consisting…
As you look closely at the picture, you’ll see ribbons of color forming the shapes of two birds. They are flowing and moving together. They are being carried on a wave of the sea in sync. Who are you close to? You will identify with who you hang with. As…
Do You Value Justice and Freedom?
It looked like Esther, a beautiful Jewish woman, was made queen for King Xerxes’ pleasure. But God had other plans for Esther. She was put in a key position by God for His work. But 1st God put her in her uncle Mordecai’s care and she learned to obey him,…

When life gets hard, we may react by asking, “Why me?” Another common reaction is, “Rescue me, Lord! Save me from the circumstances and the pain!” Still another reaction may be, “When will my life be normal again?” Then, there’s, “How long must I endure?” Endurance means standing through adversity…

Is For the People, Not People for the Government: Connecting the law of the Spirit with the US Constitution Our Bibles are divided into two parts: the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Old Law is found in the Old Testament. Christ appears in the New Testament and establishes…
Fear Not
For I Am with You This picture was painted in God’s presence. It carries an anointing that takes away fear by drawing you closer to Jesus. Many people all over the world are afraid of disease. The government and the media are obviously focused on increasing the fear of death…
Ready Warrior
This stallion is a ready warrior. His posture reveals his muscular body. He is moving forward, taking action with his head held high. His body reveals his strong brave heart and his mindset. Even his name tells of his valor: Hammer. He is entering a conflict to win a battle.…
Choose Life
Have you heard this saying? “You don’t get what you want, you get what you fight for.” Are you like water flowing down a mountain? Do you take the path of least resistance? Water always flows down, goes around high places and around trees and boulders: it always flows downhill.…
Answered Prayers
Seek your happiness in the LORD and he will give you your hearts’s desire. Give yourself to the LORD, trust in him, and he will help you. Psalm 37:4-5 What do answered prayers look like in our heart? Do they look like colorful explosions of joy and happiness? It’s those…