This stallion is ready to push through and fight for what belongs to him. His posture speaks loud and clear that he will not back down. He believes he has the power to win a victory, so he presses forward with determination and confidence to meet his opponent. The other…
Praying In Sync
The American White Pelicans are gliding together over Pyramid Lake, NV. One pelican’s wings are up and the other’s are down, yet they are beautifully in sync. Two unique individuals fly in harmony even though they are not perfectly alike. Do you see the unity? In the same way, when…
Are You Loving the Dirt?
This wild horse really seemed to be enjoying himself rolling around in the dirt. This is good for horses, because it conditions their skin and acts as a natural insect repellent. But is it good for people? We do well being clean, both physically and spiritually. When Jesus came down…
Releasing the Pain
That Burden of Sin creates guilt in your soul that can make daily life a burden that is difficult to bear. The emotions you feel when you feel guilty can be crippling. Deep feelings of regret, an overwhelming heaviness of soul, cry out for relief. Perhaps you hurt someone that…
That Cross in the Sand
As I walked around the park praying a few days ago, I asked the Lord if I should file a complaint with the Nevada Equal Rights Commission about the religious persecution I experienced (see What?Freedom of Religion Cancelled). “Yes,” I heard, but I wanted confirmation. Then I heard, “A remnant,…
What? Freedom of Religion Cancelled!
My husband and I entered a food market, on February 19, 2021 without masks and shopped freely. We did not bother anyone. But, when we placed our groceries on the counter to check out, the lead clerk confronted us. She told us we needed to wear masks in the store. …
Is it Safe to Attend Church?
Is it safe not to attend church? Quite a lot is said about being safe these days. Instead of, “Have a good day,” I hear, “Stay safe,” as though I need to be reminded of all the dangers in my day. I traveled to the Philippines, Israel, Germany, Zambia, and…
How Long, Oh Lord?
Even when God tells you His plan and decision, you might still struggle with believing God’s word. Jesus’ disciples were very distraught when Jesus was crucified and buried. But, he had taught His disciples and made it very clear to them that He must suffer and be rejected by…
Taking a Stand
Who is this horse? Her face is covered while she feasts. You must wait until she emerges to really see her, to get to know her, to even know she is a mare. I know who she is because I saw her earlier in the open before I took the…
The End is Not Yet
This is a time of great distress all over the earth. Before 2020 we could go about our business without our freedom being stifled. Glenn and I traveled to Zambia, Africa, had a beautiful wedding with our family and friends, and then took a honeymoon on the Pacific coast. 2019…
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