Announcing my new book! Read true stories that testify of God’s goodness. A woman experiences beautiful worship and sees a spiritual battle being waged when she collapsed and died. A police officer chases an intruder who stops and shoots at him 6 times with a .38 caliber revolver. Find out…
Let Joy Arise
I painted two canvases side by side. The painting on the right was featured in my blog post, Defeating Lies. But, the painting seemed to express more joy when I turn it. So, I did. Joy I like the way more splashes of color stretch out showing the progression of…
Defeating Lies
The dramatic contrast between colors and black is like the difference between light and darkness. Light in the heavens is a combination of all colors. Placed over black, the bright colors become even more vibrant. Splashes of color bring fresh life and energy into the picture. On the right lower…
The Lightning of God
The Sovereign LORD is coming to rule with power, bringing with him the people he has rescued. Isaiah 40:10 I was given this scripture in a dream 12/30/19. I believe it means that this year, 2020, will be a year of power. God will draw the ones He is rescuing…
Prophetic Word for 2019
How fun that every new year in Jesus brings with it renewed hope for a greater tomorrow. Jesus has given us abundant life with a divine purpose to fulfill. We can choose to believe and stand with Him to watch our destiny come forth. This gigantic cloud filled the sky.…