Look Out There is a place I look intently with purpose; I can see it in my heart. I am known and accepted and understood. The truth is here. Jesus in me. If you hike up a mountain and look out over Lake Tahoe, you may sense the awe and…
Courage. How to Walk Unafraid
It’s exciting to watch wild horses when they stand and engage with other stallions. I’ve watched many times two or more young bachelor stallions engage in horseplay and wrestle with one another. Neither one gets hurt and they seem to be having fun. Wild horses will fight other stallions for…
Long, Strong, Healthy Life
Wild horses live in family groups, but this young stallion was alone. As soon as he spotted us, he stopped. Then, running up the hill he stopped again. He trotted closer. Glenn and I hiked closer until we were at a comfortable distance, and I took some shots. It felt…
Generous Love
Who would’ve thought that God, the one through whom the heavens and the earth were created, would come from heaven to earth in the most vulnerable way, as a child, and he would experience life on earth. He understands our weakness, yet because He did not sin, He is the…
Jesus, the Good Shepherd
Love. Hope. Faith. These three words make life more meaningful, more abundant. Knowing you are loved will give you hope. Hope releases faith. Trust in Jesus flows out of faith in Him. Jesus loves you. Who is this person who says He loves you? Jesus came from heaven, born of…
Praying for the Sick
Prayer Two hands folded in prayer intercession are shown inside a volcanic mountain, changing the mountain, preparing it to move, to explode from the inside out. Prayer is changing the mountain, causing it to quake and expand. This mountain will move. Just as a volcanic mountain erupts and creates new…
Supernatural Healing

Power Release by Lula Adams Jesus healed everyone who came to Him for healing. A woman touched the edge of his garment in a crowd. She knew she was healed. Jesus felt the power in Him released by her faith. I painted most of this picture at Burney Falls, CA…