Announcing my new book! Read true stories that testify of God’s goodness. A woman experiences beautiful worship and sees a spiritual battle being waged when she collapsed and died. A police officer chases an intruder who stops and shoots at him 6 times with a .38 caliber revolver. Find out…
The Lightning of God
The Sovereign LORD is coming to rule with power, bringing with him the people he has rescued. Isaiah 40:10 I was given this scripture in a dream 12/30/19. I believe it means that this year, 2020, will be a year of power. God will draw the ones He is rescuing…
Praying for the Sick
Prayer Two hands folded in prayer intercession are shown inside a volcanic mountain, changing the mountain, preparing it to move, to explode from the inside out. Prayer is changing the mountain, causing it to quake and expand. This mountain will move. Just as a volcanic mountain erupts and creates new…
Supernatural Healing

Power Release by Lula Adams Jesus healed everyone who came to Him for healing. A woman touched the edge of his garment in a crowd. She knew she was healed. Jesus felt the power in Him released by her faith. I painted most of this picture at Burney Falls, CA…